
23 resource group

Acupuncture Effectiveness Upon Chronic Pain

MacPherson, H., Vertosick, S.E., Forster, N.E., Lewith, G., Linde, K., Sherman, K.J., Witt, C.M., Vickers, A.J., ‘The persistence of the effects of acupuncture after a course of treatment: a meta-analysis of patients with chronic pain’ PainMacPherson, H., Vickers, A.J., Bland, M., Torgerson, D., Corbett, M., Spackman, E., Saramago P, Woods B, Weatherly H, Sculpher M, Manca A, Richmond S, Hopton A, Eldred J, Watt I. (2017) ‘Acupuncture for chronic pain and depression in primary care: a programme of research.’ NIHR Journals LibraryVickers, A.J., Alexandra C. Maschino, BS; George Lewith, MD; Hugh MacPherson, PhD; Nadine E. Foster, DPhil; Karen J. Sherman, PhD; Claudia M. Witt, MD; Klaus Linde, MD; (2012) ‘Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Individual Patient data Meta-analysis’ JAMA Internal MedicineNational institution for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): Chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary painVickers, A.J., Alexandra C. Maschino, BS; George Lewith, MD; Hugh MacPherson, PhD; Nadine E. Foster, DPhil; Karen J. Sherman, PhD; Claudia M. Witt, MD; Klaus Linde, MD; (2018) Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Update of an Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis

Acupuncture Explanatory

Dhond, R.P., Yeh, C., Park, K., Kettner, N., Napadow, V. (2008) ‘Acupuncture modulates resting state connectivity in default and sensorimotor brain networks’ Pain doi:10.1016/j.pain.2008.01.011Huang et al. (2012) ‘Characterizing Acupuncture stimuli using Brain imaging with fMRI – A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature’ PLoS OneHui, K.K., Napadow, V., Liu, J., Li, M., Marina, O., Nixon, E.E., Claunch, J.D., LaCount, L., Sporko, T., Kwong, K.K. (2011) ‘Monitoring acupuncture effects on human brain by FMRI’, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 38.Napadow, V., Lee, J., Kim, J., Cina, S., Maeda, Y., Barbieri, R., Harris, R.E., Kettner, N. and Park, K., 2013. Brain correlates of phasic autonomic response to acupuncture stimulation: An event‐related fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping, 34(10), pp.2592-2606.Napadow, V., 2020. Neuroimaging Somatosensory and Therapeutic Alliance Mechanisms Supporting Acupuncture. Medical Acupuncture, 32(6), pp.400-402.Nierhaus, T., Pach, D., Huang, W., Long, X., Napadow, V., Roll, S., Liang, F., Pleger, B., Villringer, A. and Witt, C.M., 2015. Differential cerebral response to somatosensory stimulation of an acupuncture point vs. two non-acupuncture points measured with EEG and fMRI. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, p.74.Huang, H., Yue, X., Huang, X., Long, W., Kang, S., Rao, Y., Zeng, J., Zuo, J., Wang, L., Li, H. and Wang, Y., 2022. Brain activities responding to acupuncture at ST36 (zusanli) in healthy subjects: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of task-based fMRI studies. Frontiers in neurology, 13, p.930753.

Acupuncture For Migraines

Angus-Leppan H. Manual acupuncture for migraine BMJ 2020; 368 :m1096 doi:10.1136/bmj.m1096All NICE products on headaches. Includes any guidance, advice, NICE Pathways and quality standards.Urits, I., Patel, M., Putz, M.E., Monteferrante, N.R., Nguyen, D., An, D., Cornett, E.M., Hasoon, J., Kaye, A.D. and Viswanath, O., 2020. Acupuncture and its role in the treatment of migraine headaches. Neurology and therapy, 9, pp.375-394.

Acupuncture Safety

Clarkson, C.E., O’Mahony, D., Jones, D.E. (2015) “Adverse event reporting in studies of penetrating acupuncture during pregnancy: a systematic review’ Acta Obstetica Gynecoligica Scandinavia 94 (5)Carr, D (2015) “The safety of Obstetric Acupuncture: forbidden points revisited” Acupuncture in medicineWhite, A. (2006) ‘The Safety of Acupuncture – evidence from the UK’ Acupuncture in MedicineWitt, C.M., Pach, D., Brinkhaus, B., Wruck, K., Tag, B., Man, S., Willich, S.N. (2009) ‘Safety of Acupuncture: Results of a Prospective Observational Study with 229,230 Patients and Introduction of a Medical Information and Consent Form’ Forsch KomplementmedPetra Bäumler, Wenyue Zhang, Theresa Stübinger, Dominik Irnich 'Acupuncture-related adverse events: systematic review and meta-analyses of prospective clinical studies' BMJ OpenSmith, C.A. and Fogarty, S., 2015. A survey of study participants’ understanding of informed consent to participate in a randomised controlled trial of acupuncture. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 16, pp.1-6.

Autonomic Nervous System

Li, Y.W., Li, W., Wang, S.T., Gong, Y.N., Dou, B.M., Lyu, Z.X., Ulloa, L., Wang, S.J., Xu, Z.F. and Guo, Y., 2022. The autonomic nervous system: a potential link to the efficacy of acupuncture. Frontiers in neuroscience, 16, p.1038945.Ma, Q., 2020. Somato–autonomic reflexes of acupuncture. Medical Acupuncture, 32(6), pp.362-366.Hamvas, S., Hegyi, P., Kiss, S., Lohner, S., McQueen, D. and Havasi, M., 2023. Acupuncture increases parasympathetic tone, modulating HRV− systematic review and meta-analysis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 72, p.102905.Bantel, C. and Trapp, S. (2011) ‘The role of the autonomic nervous system in acute surgical pain processing – what do we know?’AnaesthesiaVan Middendorp, H. et al. (2013) ‘The Impact of Emotion-Related Autonomic Nervous System Responsiveness on Pain Sensitivity in Female Patients With Fibromyalgia’ Psychosomatic Medicine

Back Pain

Xiang, Y., He, J.Y., Tian, H.H., Cao, B.Y. and Li, R., 2020. Evidence of efficacy of acupuncture in the management of low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo-or sham-controlled trials. Acupuncture in Medicine, 38(1), pp.15-24.Liu, L., Skinner, M., McDonough, S., Mabire, L. and Baxter, G.D., 2015. Acupuncture for low back pain: an overview of systematic reviews. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015.Brinkhaus, B. et al (2005)’Acupuncture in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial’Cherkin, D et al. (2009) ‘A Randomized Trial Comparing Acupuncture, Simulated Acupuncture, and Usual Care for Chronic Low Back Pain’ JAMAHaake, M. et al. (2007) ‘German Acupuncture Trials (Gerac) For Chronic Low Back Pain Randomized, Multicenter, Blinded, Parallel-Group Trial With 3 Groups’Thomas, K.T. et al (2006) ‘Randomised controlled trial of a short course of traditional acupuncture compared with usual care for persistent non-specific low back pain’ British Medical JournalWitt, C.M et al (2006) ‘Pragmatic Randomized Trial Evaluating the Clinical and Economic Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain’Yuan et al. (2008) ‘Effectiveness of acupuncture for Low Back Pain’ SPINELee, J.H., Choi, T.Y., Lee, M.S., Lee, H., Shin, B.C. and Lee, H., 2013. Acupuncture for acute low back pain: a systematic review. The Clinical journal of pain, 29(2), pp.172-185.Hutchinson, A.J., Ball, S., Andrews, J.C. and Jones, G.G., 2012. The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating chronic non-specific low back pain: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 7, pp.1-8.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Cardoso, R. et al ‘Effect of Acupuncture on delayed onset muscle soreness: series of case studies.’Itoh, K., Ochi, H., and Kitakoji, K. (2008) ‘Effects of tender point acupuncture on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) – a pragmatic trial’Fleckenstein, J. et al (2016) ‘No Effect of Acupuncture in the Relief of Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial’

Dental and Facial pain

NICE (2021) 'Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs)' NICE guidelinesAl‐Moraissi, E.A., Alradom, J., Aladashi, O., Goddard, G. and Christidis, N., 2020. Needling therapies in the management of myofascial pain of the masticatory muscles: A network meta‐analysis of randomised clinical trials. Journal of oral rehabilitation, 47(7), pp.910-922. Purnachandrarao et al (2014) 'Acupuncture: An Alternative Therapy in Dentistry and Its Possible Applications' Medical AcupunctureDörfler, J., Freuding, M., Zaiser, C., Büntzel, J., Keinki, C., Käsmann, L. and Hübner, J., 2023. Umbrella review: Summary of findings for acupuncture as treatment for radiation‐induced xerostomia. Head & Neck, 45(4), pp.1026-1044.

Ear (Auricular) Acupuncture

Usichenko, T., Hacker, H. and Lotze, M., 2017. Transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation (taVNS) might be a mechanism behind the analgesic effects of auricular acupuncture. Brain stimulation, 10(6), pp.1042-1044.Hou, P.W., Hsu, H.C., Lin, Y.W., Tang, N.Y., Cheng, C.Y. and Hsieh, C.L., 2015. The history, mechanism, and clinical application of auricular therapy in traditional Chinese medicine. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, 2015.Moura, C.D.C., Chaves, E.D.C.L., Cardoso, A.C.L.R., Nogueira, D.A., Azevedo, C. and Chianca, T.C.M., 2019. Auricular acupuncture for chronic back pain in adults: a systematic review and metanalysis. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 53, p.e03461.M. Murakami, DO, L. Fox, MD, Marcel P. Dijkers, PhD (March 2017) Ear Acupuncture for Immediate Pain Relief—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Nielsen, A., Gereau, S. and Tick, H., 2020. Risks and safety of extended auricular therapy: a review of reviews and case reports of adverse events. Pain Medicine, 21(6), pp.1276-1293.Tan, J.Y., Molassiotis, A., Wang, T. and Suen, L.K., 2014. Adverse events of auricular therapy: a systematic review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014.Garner, B.K., Hopkinson, S.G., Ketz, A.K., Landis, C.A. and Trego, L.L., 2018. Auricular acupuncture for chronic pain and insomnia: a randomized clinical trial. Medical acupuncture, 30(5), pp.262-272.


Lv, Q., Wu, F., Gan, X., Yang, X., Zhou, L., Chen, J., He, Y., Zhang, R., Zhu, B. and Liu, L., 2019. The involvement of descending pain inhibitory system in electroacupuncture-induced analgesia. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 13, p.466401.Langevin, H.M., Schnyer, R., MacPherson, H., Davis, R., Harris, R.E., Napadow, V., Wayne, P.M., Milley, R.J., Lao, L., Stener-Victorin, E. and Kong, J.T., 2015. Manual and electrical needle stimulation in acupuncture research: pitfalls and challenges of heterogeneity. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 21(3), pp.113-128.Zhang, R., Lao, L., Ren, K. and Berman, B.M., 2014. Mechanisms of acupuncture–electroacupuncture on persistent pain. Anesthesiology, 120(2), pp.482-503.Stener-Victorin et al. (2009) ‘Low-frequency electroacupuncture and physical exercise decrease high muscle sympathetic nerve activity in polycystic ovary syndrome’

Feasibility and Pilot Study Guidance

Eldridge et al (2016) ‘Defining Feasibility and Pilot Studies in Preparation for Randomised Controlled Trials: Development of a Conceptual Framework’ PLOSoneEldridge et al (2016) ‘CONSORT 2010 statement: extension to randomised pilot and feasibility trials’ BMJNIHR, (2016) ‘Guide to Feasibility and pilot studies:a guide for NIHR Research Design Services’MacPherson, H., Altman, D.G., Hammerschlag, R., Youping, L., Taixiang, W., White, A., Moher, D. and STRICTA Revision Group, 2015. Revised standards for reporting interventions in clinical trials of acupuncture (STRICTA): extending the CONSORT statement. Acupuncture and Related Therapies, 3(4), pp.35-46.Liu, L., Skinner, M., McDonough, S.M., Kannan, P. and Baxter, G.D., 2015. STRICTA: is it time to do more?. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 15, pp.1-11.

General Pain Physiology

A Textbook of Neuroanatomy Maria A. Patestas & Leslie P. Gartner 2006 Blackwell PublishingHarris et al (2009)’Elevated Insular Glutamate in Fibromyalgia Is Associated With Experimental Pain’ Arthritis & RheumatismLabuz, D., Celik, M.O., Zimmer, A., and Machelska (2016) ‘Distinct roles of exogenous opioid agonists and endogenous opioid peptides in the peripheral control of neuropathy-triggered heat pain’ Scientific ReportsSchaible, H.G. (2006) ‘Peripheral and Central Mechanisms of Pain Generation’ HEP 177. p.3-28Sapolsky, R.(2017) ‘The biology of our best and worst selves’ TED talksSapolsky, R. (2011) ‘Introduction to Human Behavioural Biology’Sapolsky. R. (2011) ‘Limbic System’Trouvin, A.P. and Perrot, S., 2019. New concepts of pain. Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, 33(3), p.101415.Cowen, R., Stasiowska, M.K., Laycock, H. and Bantel, C., 2015. Assessing pain objectively: the use of physiological markers. Anaesthesia, 70(7), pp.828-847.TEDxAdelaide Lorimer Moseley Why Things HurtUnderstanding Pain in less than 5 minutes, and what to do about it!

Menopausal Symptoms

Lund, K.S., Siersma, V., Brodersen, J. and Waldorff, F.B., 2019. Efficacy of a standardised acupuncture approach for women with bothersome menopausal symptoms: a pragmatic randomised study in primary care (the ACOM study). BMJ open, 9(1), p.e023637.Sheng, R.Y., Yan, Y. and Dang, H.H.L., 2021. Acupuncture for hot flashes: a literature review of randomized controlled trials conducted in the last 10 years. World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 7(4), pp.397-407. Chien, T.J., Hsu, C.H., Liu, C.Y. and Fang, C.J., 2017. Effect of acupuncture on hot flush and menopause symptoms in breast cancer-a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One, 12(8), p.e0180918.Lesi, G. et al (2016) ‘Acupuncture As an Integrative Approach for the Treatment of Hot Flashes in Women With Breast Cancer: A Prospective Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial (AcCliMaT)’

Meridians and Acupoints

Dorsher, P.T. and da Silva, M.A.H., 2022. Acupuncture’s neuroanatomic and neurophysiologic basis. Longhua Chinese Medicine, 5.Maurer, N., Nissel, H., Egerbacher, M., Gornik, E., Schuller, P. and Traxler, H., 2019. Anatomical evidence of acupuncture meridians in the human extracellular matrix: results from a macroscopic and microscopic interdisciplinary multicentre study on human corpses. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2019.MacPherson, H. et al. (2016) ‘Unanticipated Insights into Biomedicine from the Study of Acupuncture’ Journal of Complementary and Alternative MedicineAhn, A.C. et al. (2010) ‘Electrical Impedance of Acupuncture Meridians: The Relevance of Subcutaneous Collagenous Bands’, Plos One, 5 (7)Langevin, H., Yandow, J.A. (2002) ‘Relationship of acupuncture points and meridians to connective tissue planes’ The Anatomical RecordChen, F.I., Antochi, A.D. and Barbilian, A.G., 2019. Acupuncture and the retrospect of its modern research. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 60(2), pp.411-418.

Nausea and Vomiting

Fu, C., Wu, T., Shu, Q., Song, A. and Jiao, Y., 2020. Acupuncture therapy on postoperative nausea and vomiting in abdominal operation: a Bayesian network meta analysis. Medicine, 99(23), p.e20301.Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Yan, M., Wang, N., Liu, J. and Wu, A., 2020. The effectiveness of PC6 acupuncture in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting in children: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Pediatric Anesthesia, 30(5), pp.552-563.Allais, G., Chiarle, G., Sinigaglia, S., Airola, G., Schiapparelli, P., Bergandi, F. and Benedetto, C., 2019. Acupuncture treatment of migraine, nausea, and vomiting in pregnancy. Neurological Sciences, 40, pp.213-215.Lee,A. Chan,S.K. Fan (2015) ‘Stimulation of the wrist acupuncture point PC6 for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting’Gan et al. (2014) ‘Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting’Matthews, A. et al. (2014) ‘Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy (Review)’McKeown, C. et al (2014) Acupuncture and Acupressure for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: A Systematic Review’

Overactive Bladder

Emma Hargreaves, Katherine Baker, Gill Barry, Christopher Harding, Yingying Zhang, Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala, Xiaowen Zhang, Ashleigh Kernohan, Carl E Clarkson 'Acupuncture for treating overactive bladder in adults' Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022Hargreaves, E., Harding, C. and Clarkson, C., 2021. Acupuncture in addition to standard conservative treatment for overactive bladder; a feasibility trial for a randomized controlled study. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 40(7), pp.1770-1779.Zhao, Y., Zhou, J., Mo, Q., Wang, Y., Yu, J. and Liu, Z., 2018. Acupuncture for adults with overactive bladder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine, 97(8), p.e9838. Liu, B., Liu, Y., Qin, Z., Zhou, K., Xu, H., He, L., Li, N., Su, T., Sun, J., Yue, Z. and Zang, Z., 2019, January. Electroacupuncture versus pelvic floor muscle training plus solifenacin for women with mixed urinary incontinence: a randomized noninferiority trial. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 94, No. 1, pp. 54-65). Elsevier.Oliveria et al. (2016) ‘Nonantimuscarinic treatment for overactive bladder: a systematic review’Forde JC, Jaffe E, Stone BV, Te AE, Espinosa G, Chughtai B. The role of acupuncture in managing overactive bladder; a review of the literature. International Urogynecology Journal. 2016; 27(11):1645-51Yuan, Z., He, C., Yan, S., Huang, D., Wang, H. and Tang, W., 2015. Acupuncture for overactive bladder in female adult: a randomized controlled trial. World journal of urology, 33, pp.1303-1308.Emmons and Otto (2005) ‘Acupuncture for Overactive Bladder: A Randomized Controlled Trial’Hargreaves, E., Naisby, J., Barry, G. and Baker, K., 2023. Does acupuncture improve overactive bladder symptoms? A protocol for a qualitative study to explore patient experiences of receiving acupuncture for OAB symptoms. Continence Reports, 5, p.100023.


Musial, F., 2019. Acupuncture for the treatment of pain–a mega-placebo?. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, p.443062.Birch, S., Alraek, T., Kim, K.H. and Lee, M.S., 2016. Placebo-controlled trials in acupuncture: problems and solutions. Evidence-based research methods for Chinese medicine, pp.55-64.Benedetti, F. (2013) ‘Placebo and the New Physiology of the Doctor-Patient Relationship’ Physiological ReviewsLundeberg, T., Lund, I., Sing, A. and Naslund, J. (2011) Is Placebo Acupuncture What it is intended to be? Evidence – Based Complementary and Alternative MedicineFinniss et al (2010) ‘Placebo Effects: Biological, Clinical and Ethical Advances’ LancetMadsen, M.V. et al. (2009) ‘Acupuncture treatment for pain: systematic review of randomised clinical trials with acupuncture, placebo acupuncture, and no acupuncture groups’ British Medical JournalKaptchuk, T. et al. (2008) ‘Components of placebo effect: randomised controlled trial in patients with irritable bowel syndrome’ British Medical JournalDhond, R.P., Kettner, N. and Napadow, V. (2007) ‘Do the neural correlates of acupuncture and placebo effects differ?’ Pain 128 (1-2)Lund, I., & Lundeberg, T (2006) ‘Are minimal, superficial or sham acupuncture procedures acceptable as inert placebo controls?’ Acupuncture in MedicineKaptchuk, T. et al. (2006) ‘ Sham device v inert pill: randomised controlled trial of two placebo treatments’ British Medical JournalWagner, T.D. et al.(2004) ‘Placebo-induced changes in fMRI in the anticipation and experience of pain’ SciencePetrovic, P. et al., (2002) ’Placebo and Opioid Analgesia– Imaging a Shared Neuronal Network’ ScienceKaptchuk, T. (2001) ‘The double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial: Gold standard or golden calf?’

Shoulder Pain

Birch, S., Lee, M.S., Kim, T.H. and Alraek, T., 2022. Shoulder pain and the potential role of acupuncture: A narrative review of clinical practice and treatment guidelines. Perspectives on Integrative Medicine, 1(1), pp.3-9.Ben-Arie, E., Kao, P.Y., Lee, Y.C., Ho, W.C., Chou, L.W. and Liu, H.P., 2020. The effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2020.Lewis, J., Sim, J. and Barlas, P. (2017) ‘ Acupuncture and electro-acupuncture for people diagnosed with subacromial pain syndrome: A multicentre randomized trial’ European Journal of PainLee, S.H. and Lim, S.M., 2016. Acupuncture for poststroke shoulder pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2016.Garrido, J.C.R., Vas, J. and Lopez, D.R., 2016. Acupuncture treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 25, pp.92-97.

Sporting Performance

Pujalte, G.G., Malone, M., Mandavalli, A., Phrathep, D.D., Shah, N.P. and Perlman, A.I., 2023. Acupuncture in Sports Medicine. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 16(6), pp.239-247.Tang, C.T. and Song, B., 2022. Acupuncture and dry needling for sports performance and recovery. Current sports medicine reports, 21(6), pp.213-218.Khojastefar, M., Selk-Ghaffari, M., Memari, A.H., Halabchi, F. and Seif-Barghi, T., 2021. A randomized crossover, pilot study examining the effect of acupuncture in the management of competitive anxiety in athletes. Journal of acupuncture and meridian studies, 14(4), pp.149-156.Millar, Murrell and McInnes (2017) ‘Inflammatory mechanisms in tendinopathy – towards translation’Rio, E., Moseley, L., Purdam, C., Samiric, T., Kidgell, D., Pearce, A.J., Jaberzadeh, S. and Cook, J., 2014. The pain of tendinopathy: physiological or pathophysiological?. Sports medicine, 44, pp.9-23.Usichenko, T et al (2011) ‘Goal-Directed Acupuncture in Sports—Placebo or Doping?’Hu¨bscher, M. et al. (2010) ‘Immediate effects of acupuncture on strength performance:a randomized, controlled crossover trial’Lin, Z. et al. (2009) ‘Effects of Acupuncture Stimulation on Recovery Ability of Male Elite Basketball Athletes’Akimoto, T et al (2003) ‘Acupuncture and Responses of Immunologic and Endocrine Markers during Competition’Karvelas, B (1996) ‘Acute effects of acupuncture on physiological and psychological responses to cycle ergometry’

Taping and Strapping

Burton, I., 2022. Interventions for prevention and in-season management of patellar tendinopathy in athletes: A scoping review. Physical Therapy in Sport, 55, pp.80-89.Tang, M., Wang, L., You, Y., Li, J. and Hu, X., 2021. Effects of taping techniques on arch deformation in adults with pes planus: A meta-analysis. PloS one, 16(7), p.e0253567.Cupler, Z.A., Alrwaily, M., Polakowski, E., Mathers, K.S. and Schneider, M.J., 2020. Taping for conditions of the musculoskeletal system: an evidence map review. Chiropractic & manual therapies, 28, pp.1-21.Halim-Kertanegara et al. (2017) ‘The effect of ankle taping on functional performance in participantswith functional ankle instability’Jeffriess et al., (2015) ‘Effects of Preventative Ankle Taping on Planned Change-of-Direction and Reactive Agility Performance and Ankle Muscle Activity in Basketballers’Barton, C., 2014. Patellar taping for patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate clinical outcomes and biomechanical mechanismsRaymond et al (2012) ‘The effect of ankle taping or bracing on proprioception in functional ankleinstability: A systematic review and meta-analysis’Lan et al., (2010) ‘Immediate Effect and Predictors of Effectiveness of Taping for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome’ AbstractHinman et al., (2002) ‘Efficacy of knee tape in the management of osteoarthritis of the knee: blinded randomised controlled trial’Paris et al., (1995) ‘Ankle Ranges of Motion During Extended Activity Periods While Taped and Braced’


Schlaeger, J.M., Suarez, M.L., Glayzer, J.E., Kobak, W.H., Meinel, M., Steffen, A.D., Burke, L.A., Pauls, H.A., Yao, Y., Takayama, M. and Yajima, H., 2022. Protocol for double-blind RCT of acupuncture for vulvodynia. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 30, p.101029.Rubin, L.E.H., Mist, S.D., Schnyer, R.N., Chao, M.T. and Leclair, C.M., 2019. Acupuncture augmentation of lidocaine for provoked, localized vulvodynia: a feasibility and acceptability study. Journal of lower genital tract disease, 23(4), pp.279-286.Schlaeger et al (2015) ‘Acupuncture for the treatment of vulvodynia: A randomized wait-list controlled pilot study’Nwanodi, O.B. and Tidman, M.M., 2014. Vulvodynia treated with acupuncture or electromyographic biofeedback. Chinese Medicine, 2014.Curran, S. et al (2010) ‘The ACTIV Study: Acupuncture Treatment in Provoked Vestibulodyniajsm’

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