
Lynn Pearce

  • BA (Humanities - Open University) 2012
  • Certificate in Medical Education, Staffordshire University, School of Health 2001-2002
  • Licentiate in Acupuncture, British College of Acupuncture London 1991-1993
  • Acupuncture training at Centre for Study of Complementary Therapies Southampton, 1989
  • Graduate Diploma on Physiotherapy, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. 1979-1982
  • Co-editor of ‘The Definitive Guide to Acupuncture Points - A Practical Approach (Third Edition Chris Jarmey with Lynn Pearce) published 2021
  • Senior Lecturer at MSc in Acupuncture at Coventry University

Lynn has worked continuously in the clinical field since qualifying as a Physiotherapist in 1982. Gravitating towards out-patients, she added acupuncture to her tool box in 1989. Finding results went far beyond what could at that time be explained by western medical approaches and ideas, she undertook a two year Chinese Medicine based course leading to a Licentiate in Acupuncture and has sought to integrate Chinese Medical Principles in her practice and way of life. Finding they spoke a certain truth, it has enabled her to marry the more esoteric type of practice, with new and constantly developing western medical knowledge as to how acupuncture might have its effect on the human condition. Gaining a Certificate in Medical Education and consequently lecturing at Coventry University on the MSc course has enabled Lynn to broaden her scope of practice and to move away from treating the symptom more towards treating the person.

She has run many Foundation Courses and covered CPD days on Trigger points, the links between the Fascial system and meridians, Ear Acupuncture (Auricular acupuncture), Cupping therapy and Gua Sha, Electroacupuncture, Headache and Migraine treatments, and approaching Mood and Emotional states. She has also written articles for a number of acupuncture journals and lectured for the English Institute of Sport.

Recent qualifications away from work based topics have included completing two certificates with the RHS (Royal Horticulture Society) in order to work away from being a repressed professional gardener and to move into the great outdoors. She is also a keen amateur potter.

Lynn Pearce's courses

Acupuncture & Dry Needling (CPD)

Advanced Skills in Acupuncture

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